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We are currently working on updating this page for our 20-21 class!
Top (Left-Right): Chris Nespor, Mackenzie Cacciaguidi, Avery McCloughan, Tatum Thomas, Kate Mittelhauser, Kevin Miller, Jonathon Tako, Lizzy Armstrong, Hailey Delgado, Isabella Debling, Paula Bernholz, Christine Chiodo. 2nd Row (Left-Right): Mio Nakamura, Sree Saraday, Manasi Gajjalapurna, Shelby Schmidt, Eileen Chen, Sophia Maus, Tanner Van Benthuisen, Addie Payne, Sarah Hansen, Avina Pandit, Amanda Dal Cielo, Avania Costello, Jonathan Kimyai. 3rd Row(Left-Right): Alex Duckett, Logan Kutzman, Francesca Erdosh, Luisa Walraven, Tate Maguire, Casey Brennan, Maily Isaacs, Laura Mosley, Hailey Nam, Frankie Evans, Daisy Moore, Arshia Aidun. 4th Row(Left-Right): Louise Scott, Shelby Remley, Hermani Patel, Ethan Holl, Maya Segev, Katherine Brezoczky, Anika Kapal, Blythe Reynolds, Courtney Thomas, Lilly Schirmer, Shalani Agrawal. Bottom(Left-Right): Lola Moorhead, Katie McEnroe, Nicole Ventimiglia, Lindsey McDonough, Tiffany Madier, Prisha Patel, Ali Schwartz, Sasha Balasingan, Letizia Pastore, Jack Murnin
Seniors 19-20

Top(Left-Right): Jonathan Tako, Jack Murnin. Middle(Left-Right): Laura Mosley, Amanda Dal Cielo, Louise Scott, Hailey Delgado, Katie McEnroe, Lizzy Armstrong, Hailey Nam. Bottom(Left-Right): Nicole Ventimiglia, Lindsey McDonough, Tiffany Madier, Lola Moorhead, Shelby Remley, Blythe Reynolds
Juniors 19-20

Top(Left-Right): Paula Bernholz, Logan Kutzman, Kevin Miller, Isabella Debling, Avania Costello. Bottom(Left-Right): Courtney Thomas, Lilly Schirmer, Anika Kapal, Prisha Patel, Alex Duckett.
Not Pictured: Jacob Isaacs
Sophomores 19-20

Top(Left-Right): Kate Mittelhauser, Tanner Van Benthuisen, Avery McCloughan, Eileen Chen, Addie Payne, Tatum Thomas, Sophia Maus, Jonathan Kimyai. Bottom(Left-Right): Sree Saraday, Arshia Aidun, Sarah Hansen, Francesca Erdosh, Avina Pandit, Katherine Brezoczky, Hermani Patel, Mio Nakamura
Freshmen 19-20

Top(Left-Right): Shalani Agrawal, Daisey Moore, Casey Brennan, Manasi Gajjalapurna, Mackenzie Cacciaguidi, Shelby Schmidt, Tate Maguire, Maily Isaacs, Luisa Walraven, Ali Schwartz, Letizia Pastore, Maya Segev, Sasha Balasingan, Frankie Evans, Ethan Holl
The Teachers

(Left) Mr. Nespor (Right) Mrs. Chiodo
ASB Pres. and VP
Senior Pres. and VP

(Left) Katie McEnroe (Right) Amanda Dal Cielo
(Left) Jack Murnin (Right) Blythe Reynolds
Hi, I'm Katie McEnroe and I am the ASB President. If I had a day all to myself, I would hang out with friends and watch movies (Studio Ghibli, Surf's Up, or Star Wars are my favorite). A quirk that I LOVE HISTORY! Especially the Victorian Era. I read historical fiction novels (A Well Behaved Woman is my favorite) when I have the choice, my most watched videos on YouTube are about history, and I love Downton abbey! I can’t stop myself. My favorite hobby is wakesurfing
Hi, I'm Amanda and I am the ASB Vice President. If I had a day all to myself I would go on a morning hike with my dog, the beach in the afternoon with friends, and then ice cream at night while I watch a movie in bed. A quirk that I have is that I eat my ice cream with a fork. A My favorite hobbies are online shopping and working out
Hi, I'm Jack Murnin and I am the senior vice president. If I had a day all to myself, I would do nothing. A quirk that I have is that I am a hype man. My favorite hobby is arguing with Jake Isaacs.
Hi, I'm Blythe Reynolds and I am the senior president. If I had a day all to myself, I would hang out all day on the beach. A quirk that I have is that I have a fear of sharing grapes. My favorite hobby is working out.
Junior Pres. and VP

(Left) Isabella Debling (Right) Kevin Miller
Hi, I'm Isabella and I am the junior class vice president.
Hi, I'm Kevin and I'm the Junior class president. If I had a day to myself, I would sleep as much as possible because I never get to sleep in. One quirk that I have is that I can never be doing nothing. I always have to move and find something to do to keep me occupied. My favorite hobby is playing basketball and hanging out with my friends.
ASB Spirit

(Left) Hailey Delgado (Right) Lizzy Armstrong
Hi, I'm Haley and I am part of ASB Spirit. If I had a day all to myself, I would I would hangout with my friends, go to the beach, or spend time with my family. A quirk that I have is that I am afraid of identical twins. My favorite hobby is traveling.
Hey, I'm Lizzy and I am also a part of ASB Spirit. If I had a day all to myself, I would I'd probably go to Santa Cruz or another place along the coast get coffee and açaí bowls and enjoy a nice day at the beach exploring with a friend or my dog. A quirk that I have is that interested in forensic science. My favorite hobbies are playing sports, thrifting, or do something creative.
Sophomore Pres. and VP

(Left) Katherine Brezoczky (Right) Tatum Thomas
Hi, I'm Katherine and I am the sophomore class president. If I had a day all to myself, I would I would watch tv and go to the beach. A quirk that I have is that I always chew gum. My favorite hobby is listening to music.
Hi, i'm Tatum and I am the sophomore vice president. If I had a day all to myself I would definitely sleep in! Then I would go eat at a cute little branch place and drive to the beach with my friends. I would end the day by watching the sunset and making s'mores on the beach :). A quirk that I have is that I like wearing mismatched socks. My favorite hobby is doing theatre or mock trial
Senior Spirit

(Left) Shelby Remley (Right) Lindsey McDonough
Hi, I'm Shelby and I am a part of senior spirit. If I had a day all to myself I would first go get coffee at Verve in Santa Cruz and then drive to Big Sur. A quirk that I have is that I laugh way too easily, and my friends always tell me my laugh is very contagious and bubbly. My favorite hobby is going on adventures with my friends
Hi, I'm Lindsey and I am a senior spirit rep. If I had a day to myself, I would I would go for a hike, hang out with my friends, go to the beach. A quirk that I have is that I have a horse named Lucy. My favorite hobby is driving around and going to new places
Junior Spirit

(Left) Avania Costello (Right) Courtney Thomas
Hi I'm Avania and I am one of the Junior spirit reps. If I had a day to myself I would read books, bake cookies, and hang out with my friends. A quirk that I have is that sometimes I will sing underneath my breath and not even know it. My favorite Hobby is dancing.
Hi, I'm Courtney and I am a junior spirit rep. If I had a day to myself i would go golfing near a beach.A quirk that you I have is that I have two cats with mustaches.My favorite Hobby is Golfing.
Sophomore Spirit

(Left) Tanner Van Benthuysen (Right) Addie Payne
Hi, I'm Tanner and I am one of the sophomore spirit representatives. If I had a day all to myself, I would watch Netflix and Nap. A quirk that I have is that I can say the alphabet backwards. My favorite hobbies are walking my dog and listening to music.
Hey, I'm Addie and I am a sophomore spirit rep. If I had a day all to myself, I would relax and hang with friends. A quirk that I have is that I have a weird sense of humor and i’m a foodie. My favorite hobby is just being active and spending time with my pets.
ASB Treasurer

Hi, I'm Louise Scott and I am ASB treasurer.
Junior Treasurer

Hi, I'm Prisha and I am the Junior Treasurer. If I had a day to myself I would go to the beach with my friends and family. A quirk that I have is that instead of setting one alarm to wake up in the morning, I set 5 alarms that are 2 minutes apart. My favorite Hobby is traveling. I love to travel!

Hi, I'm Avery and I am the sophomore class treasurer. If I had a day to myself, I would hang out with my friends. A fun fact about me is that I have a twin. My favorite hobby is dancing.
Advertising/Fundraising Commissioners

(L) Sophia Maus (M) Francesca Erdosh (R) Jonathon Tako
Senior Dance Commissioners

(Left) Laura Mosely (Right) Hailey Nam
Hi, I'm Sophia and I am a part of advertising. If I had a day all to myself, I would I would spend as much time as I can with my friends and family and then I would read a book. A quirk that I have is that I only ever drink sparkling water except when I’m exercising. My favorite hobby is ballet.
Hi, I'm Francesca and I am part of advertising and fundraising. If I had a day all to myself I would sleep. A quirk that I have is that I like to sleep. My favorite hobby is sleeping.
Hey, I'm Jonathon and I am an advertising commissioner. If I had a day to myself, I would go to the beach with friends. A quirk that I have is that I don't like chocolate. My favorite hobby is football.
Hi, I'm Laura and I am a senior dance commissioner. If I had a day all to myself, I would sleep in, drink some tea, hang with my dog. A quirk that I have i that i like bad dad jokes and puns! Under the stress of college apps, sports and school, I spend my free time asleep or messing around with my camera
Hi, I'm Hailey and I am also a senior dance commissioner. You can find me spending the day at home either sleeping or doing calligraphy, while also sometimes you can find me at Carmel playing with my dog Apple. A quirk that I have is that I like to be organized. My favorite hobby is calligraphy.
Junior Dance Comissioner

Hi, I'm Alex and I am a junior dance commissioner. If I had a day all to myself, I would wake up at noon, get a coffee, and drive to a big city or the beach to explore. A quirk that I have is that I rarely have my hair down. My favorite hobby is hanging out with friends.
Soph. Dance Comissioner

Hey! I'm Arshia Aidun and I am a sophomore dance commissioner. If I had a day all to myself, I would watch TikToks. A quirk that I have is that I laugh a lot. My favorite hobby is watching TikToks.

Hi, I'm Jonathan and I am the tech commissioner. If I had a day all to myself, I would play video games and go to the beach. A quirk that I have is that I say epic a lot. My favorite hobby is hanging out with my friends.

(L) Lilly Lilly Schirmer (M) Lola Moorhead (R) Sree Saraday
Hi, I'm Lilly and I am a part of kindess. If I had a day to myself, I would go to brunch with my friends then go shopping and watch a movie. A quirk that I have is that whenever I talk I use my hands a lot. My favorite hobby is playing with my dogs or baking.
Hi, I'm Lola and I am a kindness commissioner. If I had a day to myself I would go to Disneyland. A quirk that I have is that I am obsessed with Disneyland. My favorite hobbies are playing power soccer and shopping.
Hi, I'm Sree and I am a part of kindness. If I had a day to myself, I would play with my dog and hang out with my friends. A quirk that I have is that I like nutella on pizza. My favorite hobby is softball.
Junior Support Commissioners

(Left) Logan Kutzman (Right) Paula Bernholz
Hi my name is Logan Kutzman and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would go to a City Girls concert . A quirk that I have is that I like to finger paint. I also like Skiing.
Hi my name is Paula Bernholz and I am a junior and a part of support. If I had a day to myself I would go to the beach, spend time with friends, and eat good food. A quirk that I have is that I always play with my left earring when I’m trying to focus. I also like to go Skiing and running.
Sophomore Support Commissioners

(Left) Avina Pandit (Right) Mio Nakamura
Hi my name is Avina and I am a Sophomore, working in the Support cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would Hang out with my friends. A quirk that I have is that I walk on the right side of the sidewalk. . I also like to play Volleyball.
Hi my name is Mio and I am a Sophomore, working in the Support cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would catch up on sleep and hangout with my friends. A quirk that I have is that I like corny jokes. I also like to do swimming.
Sport Comissioners

(Left) Jonathon Tako (Right) Nicole Ventimiglia
Hey, I'm Jonathon and I am a sport commissioner. If I had a day to myself, I would go to the beach with friends. A quirk that I have is that I don't like chocolate. My favorite hobby is football.
Hi, I am Nicole and I am a sport commissioner. If I had a day all to myself, I would go to the beach and watch the sunset. A quirk that I have is that I have two different size pinkies. My favorite hobbies are playing field hockey, soccer, and running track
Freshman Cabinet

Hi my name is Shelby Schmidt and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would go to the mall and hang out with my friend group . A quirk that I have is that i’m really clumsy. I also like making food.

Hi my name is Letizia Pastore and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would go shopping and I would hang out with my puppy. My friends say that I am very goofy. I also like to play sports.
Hi my name is Daisy Moore and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would listen to music, watch shows and movies, and sleep. A quirk that I have is that I am really clumsy. I also like to cook and draw.
Hi my name is Ethan Holl and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would sleep in. Then I would do some songwriting, bake something, and organize my closet. A quirk that I have is that My backpack has to be perfectly organized by size of folder and books or I can’t find anything. I also like to do a lot of musical theater. I’m always singing around the house or performing a dramatic death in my bedroom.
Hi my name is Luisa Walraven and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would go to the beach and surf all day and then hang out with family and friends. A quirk that I have is that I can make jokes out of nowhere and make people laugh. My favorite hobby would probably be dancing or field hockey.

Hi my name is Mackenzie Cacciaguidi and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would go to a musical theater rehearsal, and then spend the rest of the day watching hallmark Christmas movies with my mom! A quirk thatI have is thatI’m a redhead that likes pasta, but like really plain, and nothing on it. I also like Musical theater!!!

Hi my name is Maily Isaacs and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would travel as much as I can. A quirk that I have is that I have an obsession with inspirational quotes. My favorite hobby is waterpolo.
Hi my name is Shalini Agrawal and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would Sleep or Eat or TV prolly . A quirk that I have is that I tap my foot a lot . I also like to Listening to music.
Hi my name is Casey Brennan and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myselfI would spend time with my friends. A quirk that I have is that I randomly giggles. I also like to do a lot of sports.

Hi my name is Tate Maguire and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would spend half of the day sleeping, and then watch Christmas movies. A quirk that I have is that My favorite snack is ice and my favorite drink is water. I also I like to dance and sing, but badly.
Hi my name is Sasha Balasingam and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would spend the day on a road trip with my friends at the beach. . A quirk that I have is that I love making corny jokes all day everyday. My favorite hobby is sparring in taekwondo.
Hi my name is Alison Schwartz and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would hangout with friends. A quirk that I have is that I am loud. I also like to dance.
Hi my name is Manasi Gajjalapurna and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would hang out with my friends and family. A quirk that I have is that I like to sing and play the piano . I also like to play tennis.
Hi my name is Maya Segev and I am a freshman, working in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself I would bake cookies, watch the office and order takeout . A quirk thatI have is thatI believe in superstitions. I also like to bake

Hi, I am Frankie Evans and I am a freshman in the freshman cabinet. If I had a day to myself, I would watch the sunrise and read my favorite book on the beach and then go get really good food and spend the rest of the day with my friends. A quirk that I have is that I am learning to play the guitar. My favorite hobby is dancing.
Club Commission

Hi my name is Hemani Patel and I am a Sophomore, working in the club commission. If I had a day to myself I would sleep in, watch Nexflix, and eat lots of food! A quirk that I have is thatI am a vegetarian. I also like playing volleyball, doing art, and baking.
Hi my name is Eileen Chen and I am a Sophomore, working in the club commission. If I had a day to myself I would sleep in and organize all of my things. A quirk that I have is that I eat my chips and popcorn with chopsticks. It sounds strange, but it helps keep off the grease! I also like to play Volleyball

Hi my name is Anika Kapal and I am a Junior, working in the club commission. If I had a day to myself I would go on a hike somewhere at the beach . A quirk that I have is thatI wear socks to bed (even during summer!!) . I also love to paint!
Student Store

Hi my name is Tiffany Madier and I am a Senior, working in the student store. If I had a day to myself I would stay in bed and watch Disney Plus. A quirk that I have is that Jack says I’m dorky. I like to draw.

Hi, I'm Kate Mittelhauser and I am a part of student store. If I had a day to myself, I would sleep and paint! A quirk that I have is that I always eat ice cream by scraping off the top so that it is flat! My favorite hobby is musical theatre.